Speech 4

Speech 4


JOURNAL 17: After watching my group’s dry dry run, I think we have a pretty solid outline and script for what we have planned. We met prior to the dry dry run and all agreed on what we wanted to do. I think we definitely need to set our plans more into stone but overall it is going pretty well. I like the idea of the game we are doing, but we might move the chronological order of our show to put the game in the middle of the show to make it more interesting. I also noticed that we work very well together when presenting– being up there with others takes a lot of the pressure off and we can just pick up off of one another. Obviously, we did not have our script perfected so this is something we definitely need to work on and practice rehearsing the information.


JOURNAL 18: I think our dry run went very well. We have had a pretty solid outline for the last week or so, and being able to actually read from it showed us where we want to improve and what is working. For example, reading our script out loud made us realize how we need to cut back on some questions because our dry run was 6:20– we need time for intro and outro clips and I’m afraid we will go over the time if we don’t eliminate some questions. Also, while watching our dry run I realized that during the question and answer segment, I would like to be more casual and lighthearted with the guests. After they responded to my question, I didn’t know what to commentate on and ended up going straight into another question; I feel like there is a transitioning element missing.  Another thing I noticed was that we are definitely going to have to move around more. I am planning to be standing during the introduction and closing of the show and I would like to use more hand movements as well.
